Gift Deed

Gift Deed

A gift deed is a legal document that facilitates the voluntary transfer of movable or immovable property from a donor to a donee without any consideration. Governed by the Transfer of Property Act, 1822, this instrument ensures a lawful and transparent transfer process.

Importance of Gift Deed Registration

Registering a gift deed is crucial to validate the transfer of immovable property. As per Section 17 of the Registration Act, 1908, immovable property transfers require a registered gift deed. This ensures legal sanctity and protects the interests of both parties involved.

Key Clauses in a Gift Deed

  • Contributor and Donee Proof: Detailed identification of both parties involved in the transaction.
  • Voluntary Transfer: Assurance of voluntary transfer without coercion or pressure.
  • Proprietor of Property: Clear declaration of ownership status by the donor.
  • Property Specifications: Comprehensive description of the gifted property.
  • Rights of the Donee: Explicit delineation of the donee's rights over the property.
  • Acceptance by Donee: Acknowledgment of the donee's acceptance of the gift.
  • Delivery: Confirmation of the donor's intent to transfer ownership.
  • Witnesses: Presence and signatures of witnesses to validate the deed.
  • Revocation: Optional clause for revoking the gift under specific circumstances.

Tax Implications of Gift Deed Registration

Gifts post-April 2017 are taxable under the Income Tax Act, 1961. However, exemptions exist for certain categories, including gifts from relatives, marriage-related gifts, and gifts from specified entities.

Income Tax on Gift Deed

Gift deed registration mandates declaration in Income Tax Returns (ITR). Taxation applies if the stamp duty value exceeds ₹50,000 and the property is received without adequate consideration.

Advantages of Gift Deed Registration

  • Simplified transfer process with mutual agreement.
  • Reduced chances of litigation due to registered documentation.
  • Exemption from tax obligations for eligible gifts.

Types of Properties Eligible for Gifting

Gift deeds apply to both movable and immovable properties, including tangible assets and existing properties.

Documents Required for Registration

Essential documents include the original gift deed, identification proofs of donor and donee, property ownership proofs, and additional court orders or valuation documents.

Eligibility for Gift Deed Registration

Several conditions must be met, including mental competency of the donor, legality of property ownership, and absence of monetary transactions.

Who Can be a Donor/Donee?

Any individual, corporate entity, foundation, or government body can act as a donor, while the donee can be an individual, charity, non-profit organization, or government entity.

Process of Transferring a Property via a Gift Deed

The process involves drafting the deed, paying stamp duty, registering the deed with the Sub-Registrar, and obtaining the registered copy.

Gift Deed Registration Process

Simple steps include visiting the Sub-Registrar's office, completing paperwork, paying fees, and submitting documents for registration.

Gift Deed Registration Charges/Fees

Fees vary based on property value, location, stamp duty rates, and additional charges levied by the Registrar of Deeds.

Grounds for the Cancellation of a Gift Deed

Cancellation grounds include non-compliance with terms, coercion, or fraudulence, as per Section 126 of the Transfer of Property Registration Act, 1882.

Why Startup Station?

Startup Station offers comprehensive assistance in gift deed registration, ensuring a seamless and legally compliant transfer process. With a focus on client satisfaction and ethical service standards, Startup Station simplifies the legal complexities associated with property transfers.


FAQs Gift Deed

Can a property be gifted to a minor?

Yes, but a natural guardian must manage the property until the minor becomes an adult.

Will the donee be liable to pay dues on the gifted property?

Generally, no. However, tax implications may arise depending on the value and nature of the gift.

Who can be a donor of a gift deed?

Any individual, corporate entity, foundation, or government body can act as a donor.

Is income tax calculated on a gift deed?

Yes, gifts exceeding specified limits are subject to taxation under the Income Tax Act.

Can a minor be a donor of a gift deed?

No, minors cannot execute gift deeds.

Can you sell a property obtained by gift deed?

Yes, the donee has the right to sell, encumber, or lease the gifted property.

Who has the right to challenge a registered gift deed?

Legal heirs or interested parties may challenge the deed under specific circumstances.

How can a lawyer help to draft a Gift Deed?

A lawyer ensures compliance with legal requirements, clarity in drafting, and protection of the parties' interests.

Is a gift deed a legal document?

Yes, a gift deed is a legally binding document facilitating property transfers.

Why Should I Require a Gift Deed?

A gift deed ensures transparency, legality, and protection of property transfer transactions.