Conversion of Private Limited to Public Limited Company

Overview of Conversion of Private Limited to Public Limited Company

Converting a private limited company to a public limited company marks a pivotal moment in a business's growth trajectory, allowing for increased access to capital and broader market reach. This transformation opens avenues for the company to issue shares to the public, thereby attracting funds from a diverse pool of investors. However, such a transition necessitates meticulous adherence to legal and regulatory protocols, including obtaining shareholder approval and Registrar of Companies (ROC) endorsement, along with revising the Memorandum and Articles of Association. Professional guidance is highly recommended to navigate this conversion process seamlessly.

What is a Private Limited Company and a Public Limited Company?

Let us delve into the fundamental distinctions between a private limited company and a public limited company.

Private Limited Company

A private limited company is typically privately owned, catering to small-scale businesses. The liability of its members is restricted to the number of shares they hold. Unlike public limited companies, shares of a private limited company cannot be publicly traded.

Public Limited Company

Contrary to private limited companies, public limited companies have shares traded on stock exchanges and are open for purchase and trading by the general public. Also referred to as publicly held companies, they offer their shares to the public, enabling anyone to acquire them either through stock market trading or Initial Public Offerings (IPOs).

Benefits of a Public Limited Company

1. Quick Share Transfer

Shareholders of a public limited company enjoy the convenience of transferring their shares swiftly. The process merely involves filing a share transfer form and handing over the share certificate to the buyer, unlike the cumbersome procedures involved in transferring shares of other business structures.

2. Raise Capital

Public limited companies possess the advantage of raising capital from the general public through share issuance, provided they are listed on a stock exchange. Additionally, they can leverage avenues such as fixed deposits, debentures, and convertible debentures to attract funds from a wider investor base.

3. Greater Credibility

Public limited companies are subject to stringent compliance requirements, including the disclosure of audited financial statements, notification of structural changes to regulatory bodies, and hosting annual general body meetings for shareholders. These measures enhance the organization's credibility in the eyes of stakeholders.

Requirements for Conversion of a Private Limited Company to Public Limited Company

To initiate the conversion process, several prerequisites must be fulfilled:

1. Digital Signature Certificate (DSC) and Director Identification Number (DIN) of Two Directors

Obtain DSC and DIN for two directors involved in the conversion process.

2. Preparation of Memorandum of Association (MOA) and Articles of Association (AOA)

Draft and finalize the MOA and AOA in accordance with the requirements for a public limited company.

3. PAN and TAN Card

Ensure possession of PAN and TAN cards for tax-related purposes.

4. Name Search and Reservation

Conduct a name search, apply, and reserve the desired company name for the public limited entity.

5. Certificate of Incorporation (CIN)

Secure the Certificate of Incorporation for the newly transformed public limited company.

Private Limited Company Vs Public Limited Company

Differences between public limited company and private limited company in India

While both private and public limited companies serve as corporate entities, they differ significantly in terms of ownership structure, shareholder rights, and regulatory obligations.

What Are the Post Conversion Requirements?

Upon completing the conversion process, several post-conversion tasks demand attention:

1. Applying for a Fresh PAN Card

Apply for a new PAN card reflecting the company's updated status.

2. Updating Business Stationery

Revise business letterheads and related stationery to reflect the company's new name and status.

3. Updating Bank Account Details

Inform banking institutions and update the company's bank account details accordingly.

4. Notification to Tax Authorities

Notify tax authorities and relevant stakeholders about the company's conversion to a public limited entity.

5. Producing Printed Copies of MOA and AOA

Generate printed copies of the updated Memorandum and Articles of Association for official records.

Procedure for Conversion of Private Company into Public Company

The conversion process entails several sequential steps:

1. Calling of Board Meeting

Convene a board meeting to:

  • Pass resolutions seeking directors' approval for the conversion.
  • Fix the date, time, and agenda for an Extraordinary General Meeting (EGM) to obtain shareholder consent for the conversion.
  • Approve the notice of EGM and delegate responsibilities for its issuance.

2. Issue of EGM Notice

Issue notices for the EGM to all stakeholders, complying with statutory requirements.

3. Holding of EGM Meeting

Conduct the EGM as scheduled and secure shareholders' support through a Special Resolution for the conversion.

4. Registrar of Company (ROC) Filing

File necessary forms and resolutions with the ROC for alteration in the Articles of Association and company registration.

5. Issuing of Certificate of Incorporation

Upon successful compliance and documentation, the ROC issues a fresh Certificate of Incorporation, marking the completion of the conversion process.

Documents Needed for Conversion of Private Limited Company Into a Public Limited Company

Essential documents include:

  • Copy of directors' PAN cards
  • Passport-size photographs of directors
  • Copies of Aadhar card or voter ID
  • Copy of the rental agreement or property papers
  • NOC from the landlord, if applicable

Why Startup Station

Startup Station offers comprehensive legal assistance for businesses transitioning from private to public limited entities. With a team of seasoned professionals and tech-enabled solutions, we streamline the conversion process, ensuring compliance and efficiency.

FAQs on Convert a Private to Public Limited Company

Under which section can a private company be converted into a public company? 

A private company can be converted into a public company under Section 14 of the Companies Act, 2013.

What is the minimum capital required for a public limited company? 

There is no specific minimum capital requirement for a public limited company.

What are a Public Limited Company (PLC) and its characteristics? 

A Public Limited Company is a corporate entity whose shares are publicly traded. Its characteristics include limited liability and the ability to raise capital from the general public.

What is the process of converting a private limited company to a public limited company? 

The process involves obtaining shareholder approval, altering the Articles of Association, and filing necessary forms with the Registrar of Companies.

How do you issue payment to yourself in a limited liability company? 

Payment to directors in a limited liability company is typically made through salaries, bonuses, or dividends, subject to legal and tax regulations.

How much tax should a limited liability company pay? 

Tax liabilities for limited liability companies vary depending on factors such as income, jurisdiction, and business structure. Consulting a tax advisor is recommended for accurate guidance.

Who controls a public limited company?

A public limited company is governed by its board of directors, elected by shareholders, who oversee the company's operations and strategic decisions.

What are the obligations of a Public Limited Company?

Public limited companies are bound by various obligations, including:

Compliance with regulatory requirements and disclosure normsConducting regular board and shareholder meetingsFiling annual financial statements and reports with regulatory authoritiesMaintaining transparency in operations and financial dealingsSafeguarding shareholder interests and rights

How long does it take to occupy the whole method of conversion?

The duration of the conversion process can vary depending on factors such as regulatory approvals, document preparation, and procedural complexities. Typically, it may take several weeks to complete all formalities and obtain the necessary approvals.

Whether alteration of name is mandatory while conversion?

While not mandatory, companies may opt to alter their name during the conversion process to reflect the change in their legal status and business identity. However, this decision is subject to the company's discretion and strategic considerations.

In conclusion, the conversion of a private limited company to a public limited company entails a series of legal, procedural, and regulatory steps. While the process offers numerous benefits such as access to capital and enhanced credibility, it requires meticulous planning, compliance, and professional guidance. With the assistance of experienced professionals like Startup Station, businesses can navigate this transition smoothly and unlock new avenues for growth and expansion.