Central FSSAI License

Central FSSAI License: Ensuring Food Safety and Compliance

In the bustling landscape of food businesses in India, obtaining a Central FSSAI license stands as a pivotal step towards ensuring both compliance with regulations and maintaining the highest standards of food safety. This article delves into the intricacies of the Central FSSAI license, its benefits, eligibility criteria, application process, consequences of non-compliance, and more.


  1. Introduction to Central FSSAI License
  2. Importance of Central FSSAI License
  3. Benefits of Central FSSAI License
  4. Eligibility Criteria for Central FSSAI License
  5. Features of FSSAI Central License
  6. Application Process through Startup Station
  7. Documents Required for FSSAI Central License
  8. Consequences and Penalties for Non-Compliance
  9. Why Choose Startup Station for FSSAI License?
  10. Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Introduction to Central FSSAI License

The Central FSSAI license, issued by the Food Safety and Standards Authority of India (FSSAI), serves as a testament to a food business's commitment to safety and quality. This license is indispensable for entities engaged in the manufacturing, processing, packaging, storage, distribution, or import of food products at a national or central level.

Importance of Central FSSAI License

The Central FSSAI license plays a vital role in upholding consumer trust and confidence in the food products circulating in the market. It serves as a regulatory mechanism, ensuring that businesses adhere to stringent quality and safety standards prescribed by the FSSAI.

Benefits of Central FSSAI License

Consumer Awareness:

By obtaining the Central FSSAI license, food business operators (FBOs) can showcase their commitment to quality, thereby enhancing consumer trust and loyalty.

Expansion of Business:

With a valid license in hand, FBOs can seamlessly expand their operations to new outlets and territories, leveraging the credibility conferred by the FSSAI approval.

Usage of FSSAI Logo:

The FSSAI logo on packaging and promotional materials acts as a hallmark of quality, distinguishing compliant products from others and bolstering brand reputation.

Facilitates Business Expansion:

A Central FSSAI license facilitates smoother access to funding and avenues for business expansion, providing a competitive edge in the dynamic food industry landscape.

Eligibility Criteria for Central FSSAI License

The eligibility criteria for obtaining a Central FSSAI license encompass various segments of the food industry, including:

  • Milk units
  • Vegetable oil processing units
  • Slaughter units
  • Meat processing units
  • Food importers and exporters
  • Storage and cold storage facilities
  • Wholesalers, retailers, distributors, and suppliers
  • Caterers, hotels, restaurants, and carriers
  • Marketers and food catering services provided by government agencies

Features of FSSAI Central License

The FSSAI central license is characterized by:

  • Mandatory compliance for all central-level food businesses
  • Validity for five years, subject to renewal
  • Detailed application process with document submission
  • Issuance by the Food Safety and Standards Authority of India (FSSAI)
  • Adherence to food safety regulations and periodic inspections

Application Process through Startup Station

Startup Station simplifies the FSSAI registration process through the following steps:

  1. Initial consultation and document collection
  2. Thorough verification and registration initiation
  3. Continuous updates and communication throughout the process
  4. Issuance of the FSSAI license upon completion

Documents Required for FSSAI Central License

The documents required for obtaining a Central FSSAI license include:

  • Disclosure form
  • Authorization letter
  • Form A or Form B
  • Cancelled cheque copy
  • Food Safety Management System Plan
  • Property-related documents
  • Aadhar card copies
  • Utility bills and NOC documents

Consequences and Penalties for Non-Compliance

Non-compliance with FSSAI regulations can lead to severe penalties, including fines and imprisonment. The penalties vary based on the nature and extent of the violation, emphasizing the importance of adherence to food safety standards.

Why Choose Startup Station for FSSAI License?

Vakilsearch boasts a team of experienced lawyers and FSSAI experts dedicated to facilitating seamless Central FSSAI license registration. With personalized assistance and comprehensive support, Vakilsearch ensures a hassle-free experience for businesses seeking FSSAI compliance.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Can modifications be made to the license, and what are the associated costs? 

Modifications to a Central FSSAI License are possible, such as changes in business details or premises. The costs for modifications vary depending on the nature and extent of the changes required. Vakilsearch can assist in facilitating these modifications efficiently.

What is the significance of holding an FSSAI license? 

Holding an FSSAI license signifies compliance with food safety and quality standards mandated by the government. It instills consumer trust, ensures legal compliance, and distinguishes businesses as reliable providers of safe and high-quality food products.

How does online licensing and registration integration benefit license holders? 

Online licensing and registration integration streamline the application process, reduce paperwork, and enhance accessibility. It enables license holders to manage their licenses digitally, track applications, and receive timely updates, thus improving efficiency and convenience.

Are NOCs permissible for export purposes under FSSAI regulations? 

Yes, NOCs (No Objection Certificates) are permissible for export purposes under FSSAI regulations. They serve as proof of compliance with food safety standards and are required for exporting food products to other countries.

What steps should be taken upon receiving an improvement notice from FSSAI? 

Upon receiving an improvement notice from FSSAI, businesses should promptly address the identified issues and take corrective actions to ensure compliance with food safety regulations. This may involve implementing necessary changes, conducting training, and collaborating with FSSAI authorities for resolution.

How long does it take to obtain a Central FSSAI License through Startup Station? 

The time taken to obtain a Central FSSAI License through Startup Station depends on various factors, including the completeness of documents submitted, the complexity of the application, and the responsiveness of regulatory authorities. Generally, it can take several weeks to months for the entire process to be completed.

Can a business operate without a Central FSSAI License in India? 

No, it is illegal for a food business to operate without a Central FSSAI License in India. Obtaining a license is mandatory to ensure compliance with food safety regulations and maintain consumer trust.

What are the consequences of selling food products without an FSSAI license?

Selling food products without an FSSAI license can lead to severe penalties, including fines, imprisonment, and closure of the business. It also poses risks to public health and safety, undermining consumer confidence in the brand.

Is it possible to transfer a Central FSSAI License to another entity? 

No, a Central FSSAI License is non-transferable and specific to the entity for which it is issued. In case of any changes in ownership or structure, the new entity must apply for a fresh license.

What are the key differences between a Central FSSAI License and a State FSSAI License? 

The main difference between a Central and State FSSAI License lies in their jurisdictional scope. A Central FSSAI License is required for businesses operating at a national or central level, including imports and exports, while a State FSSAI License is applicable to businesses operating within a particular state or union territory. Additionally, the eligibility criteria and application process may vary between the two licenses.