80A and 12A Registration


Establishing an NGO (Non-Governmental Organization) is often driven by a noble cause to contribute to society. However, navigating the legal landscape can be daunting, particularly concerning registrations like 80A and 12A. This guide aims to demystify these registrations, providing clarity and insight into their significance, processes, and frequently asked questions.

Understanding 80A Registration

80A registration, under the Income Tax Act, 1961, grants tax exemption to NGOs on income generated through specific sources like donations, subscriptions, or grants. It is a crucial step for NGOs seeking financial sustainability and credibility. Startup Station specializes in facilitating this registration, ensuring compliance and efficiency throughout the process.

Exploring 12A Registration

12A registration is another vital aspect for NGOs, granting them exemption from paying income tax. This registration is essential for NGOs to utilize their funds effectively for their philanthropic endeavors. Startup Station offers comprehensive assistance in obtaining 12A registration, guiding NGOs through the application process and ensuring compliance with regulatory requirements.

Advantages of 80A and 12A Registration

Obtaining 80A and 12A registration confers several benefits upon NGOs:

  1. Tax Exemption: NGOs can enjoy tax exemption on their income, enabling them to allocate more resources towards their charitable activities.
  2. Credibility: Registered NGOs gain credibility and trust among donors, stakeholders, and the public, enhancing their ability to attract funding and support.
  3. Financial Sustainability: Tax exemption fosters financial sustainability, allowing NGOs to plan and execute long-term projects for social welfare.

Application Process

Startup Station streamlines the application process for 80A and 12A registration, ensuring efficiency and accuracy. The process involves:

  1. Documentation: Collecting and preparing all necessary documents, including the NGO's registration certificate, audited financial statements, and memorandum of association.
  2. Application Submission: Submitting the application along with the required documents to the designated authorities.
  3. Follow-up: Monitoring the application progress and addressing any queries or additional requirements from the authorities promptly.
  4. Issuance of Registration: Upon successful verification, the authorities issue the 80A or 12A registration certificate to the NGO.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

What is the difference between 80A and 12A registration?

80A registration provides tax exemption to donors contributing to the NGO, while 12A registration exempts the NGO itself from paying income tax.

Is 80A or 12A registration mandatory for all NGOs?

While not mandatory, obtaining these registrations enhances the credibility and financial sustainability of NGOs.

How long does it take to obtain 80A or 12A registration?

The duration varies depending on the efficiency of documentation preparation and the processing time of the authorities, typically ranging from a few weeks to a few months.

Can foreign donors avail tax benefits for donations to NGOs with 80A registration?

Yes, foreign donors can avail tax benefits under certain conditions, subject to compliance with relevant laws and regulations.

Can an NGO apply for 80A and 12A registration simultaneously?

Yes, NGOs can apply for both registrations simultaneously to streamline the process and maximize benefits.

Is there any fee associated with the application process for 80A and 12A registration?

Yes, there are certain fees involved, including application processing fees and professional consultancy charges.

Can an NGO lose its 80A or 12A registration?

Yes, NGOs can lose their registration if they fail to comply with the necessary regulations or engage in activities inconsistent with their charitable objectives.

Are there any annual compliance requirements after obtaining 80A or 12A registration?

Yes, registered NGOs must fulfill annual compliance requirements, including submission of audited financial statements and annual returns.

Can an NGO operate without 80A or 12A registration?

While possible, operating without these registrations may limit the NGO's ability to attract donors and sustain its operations in the long run.

What support does Startup Station offer for NGOs beyond registration assistance?

Startup Station provides a range of services, including legal advisory, fundraising support, capacity building, and strategic planning, to empower NGOs in achieving their social impact goals.


Obtaining 80A and 12A registration is instrumental for NGOs in securing tax exemption and fostering financial sustainability. With the expertise and support of Startup Station, NGOs can navigate the registration process efficiently and embark on their journey towards making a meaningful difference in society.